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Block Your Own Visits

When developing or testing your website, you can prevent Cabin from logging your own visits by setting a simple browser flag. This keeps your analytics data clean and focused on real user behavior.

How to Block Your Visits

  1. Open your browser's Developer Console:

    Chrome, Arc, Safari, Brave, Opera⌘+⌥+ICtrl+Shift+I
    Firefox, Edge⌘+Shift+JCtrl+Shift+J
  2. Enter this command in the Console and press Enter:


This setting persists in your browser's Local Storage, so you only need to set it once per device/browser.

Re-enabling Your Visits

When you want Cabin to resume tracking your visits, you can either:

  • Clear your browser's Local Storage, or
  • Run this command in the Console:

This feature helps maintain the accuracy of your analytics while respecting privacy principles.

Released under the MIT License.