# Bounce rate


Update 04/11/2022 - Improved bounce rates

A new bounce rate method has been introduced. Bounce rates before 04/11/2022 are no longer displayed on the dashboard.

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who only visited one page and then left the site. They did not visit any other internal pages. This is calculated by dividing the number of single-page sessions by the number of total sessions on the site.

Cabin doesn't store "sessions" in cookies (to protect visitors' privacy), but it does know how many visits to a domain a user has made on that day, so it can mark a visitor as a bounce until they visit another page on your site. You can read more about this unique method here.

The large value in the summary is the bounce rate for the chosen date range.

For example:

Note: We recommend evaluating bounce rate at the end of the day, as each unique visit is assumed to be a bounce until the visitor navigates to another page within your website. This means your dashboard may show a higher bounce rate in times of high traffic until the visitors move on.

Bounce rate for individual pages is not collected.

Last Updated: 11/7/2022, 1:19:24 PM